have a 2016 PSE bow Madness 32 for sale, only a couple months old shot less than 100 times. I have it all set up ready to hunt the package is
- Bow Madness 32 bow
-Truglo Carbon xs 4 pin sight
-limb saver windjammer stabilizer
-Ripcord drop away rest (red)
- Quick detach five arrow quiver
-black wrist sling
-6 Bloodsport micro diameter hunter arrows
-3 brand new rage chisel tips 100 grain
-Scott archery trigger release
-tarantula deluxe bowcase
-Plano arrow case.
The bow can be adjusted to accommodate just about any adult, currently at 28.5 inch draw and 60 pounds.
Located in Kent. asking $700 for everything or trade for high quality ten point crossbow. Can add cash for crossbow.