I agree, its to me a big plus to live here and get to see all the critters I do so often
Last night I walked outside to take trash out and he was sitting on my deck, I was about 3 feet from hime when I came out my door , the poor little guy about craped himself, didn't know what way to run or what to do, and just bolted off the deck and up a tree, I was laughing my a$$ off, and acctually felt bad, I scared him, as I know he's had a rough time this winter, and its still cold here and NO real food about for him to live off, he came out WAY eary, should have slept another month when green up starts and food is there for him.
poor guy again without having had a mother to teach him things, has been finding out the hard way.
BUT I have a corn feeder going still so he'll make it this yr for sure if on nothing but corn
but its still cold and icy here
here's a pic from last night too, OR shoudl say this morning!