Don't think I could agree more mrbb! Fear is an amazing thing! I'm not saying that American's should fear the government, local state or higher, but IMO society should know that "hey if I make this stupid choice and I get caught, I'm going to pay severely (one way or another)" well that definitely won't stop all crime but it WILL dramatically slow it down. Especially if the public sees the results of the punishment. Right now I think people think "Oh yeah, they caught the person/people, they're gonna get what they deserve" but again in reality, they get nowhere near what they should! Not going to repeat what I've already said as far as that goes but yeah. Also have to agree, the honest people this would not really affect. Now we all make some dumb choices at one point in our lives but for the most part I think the majority of society outgrows that part of their lives relatively quickly and have no more major problems (on average). But it seems like the ones that stay in that rut and decide to make that a way of life for themselves, that's the problem!
Sure everyone has heard about the Ohio mother who's killed her 3 sons over the last year? Really lady, really??? 3 innocent children that have never done a thing wrong and you decide that their loves should be ended! What a piece! Another story tonight, multiple teenagers (girls and boys) and a 23 year old, they said man but obviously boy, jumped another teen and was stomping his head and face and then stole some stuff from him. I think they said they had the guy and 4 teens. Well how about those kids and the one "man" get taking to the streets and get their faces kicked for the next group of teens that think about doing it will think twice and prolly not do it. Or maybe the family of the kid who got stomped gets to do it? Just saying. I know its easier said than done but come on America seriously! Is this what we've come to, all these senseless crimes and the individuals who do them aren't really even punished for them.... And when I say that, I'm prolly not talking to anyone on this site cuz normally folks that are into the outdoors and hunting are the good ole Americans that should be running this country...that our young and old men and women are fighting for everyday! And yet another reason to get our children into the outdoors whether it be hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, etc. Sheesh!