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Thread: Firearms season

  1. #31
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    well I agree, some of the place's up here charge over a 100 bucks for a basic cut, and then if you want things made it can run up over 200 bucks to get a deer butchered??
    CRAZY in my eye's
    but I have a few friends that are butchers and they get a ton of business, and folks pay no questions asked??
    My one buddy put his 3 kids thru collage on $$ he made butchering deer
    he used to butcher like 700-1,000 deer a yr, for like 15+ yrs, then the deer numbers dropped and so did the deer bought in, and then the Game commission and all its red tape about butchering and blah blah, rules and crap!
    he gave it up, , but MAN he made a lot of money over the yrs, and he had one of the cleanest cuts going
    he is a full time butcher , and he used to buy all his supply's at work, everything came back, wrapped just like in a store, , foam bottom, blood rag, boneless and cut clean
    , used to rent 3 tractor trailer freezers, and hired local high school kids foot ball teams normally, and man they could cut deer up fast!

    But to pay a 100+ bucks to get back 35-40 lbs of meat?? is a lot to many folks

    I've butchered a LOT of mine own deer, then, got spoiled, my one buddy, LOVED cutting up deer?? not sure why??
    but when I killed one, all I had to do was call him up, drop it off, and about 2 hrs later go pick it up, all de boned, and wrapped in freezer wrap, and labeled?
    for free , well,I gave him a case of beer for every deer he did! ? LOL

    then, he moved, and one of my other buddy's opened a butcher shop, and still has it, so, again, last 15+ yrs, my deer get cut up, and all I have to do is drop em off! and get back in a few hrs!
    I have it spoiled folks LOL

  2. #32
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    Here we go back at camp getting ready to head to the stand.... Game on
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  3. #33
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    well good luck, raining here, and calling for rain all day tomorrow??
    should save a lot of deer for next week, or next yr LOL

  4. #34
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    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  5. #35
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    looks good, but need to see a deer LOL

  6. #36
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    I have in this spot. Saw a doe and spike last night
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  7. #37
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I was just sayinbg, to make the pic's better, and it a better spot, would just mean to have deer in in NOW , while you there LOl

    Crappy weather day today here, seems Like Monday will be a god day if your still up there?
    Good luck!

  8. #38
    Senior Member
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    Today has been slooooooow. Saw a doe coming in at 7. I took a break at 1 to dry my clothes and saw a second doe 100 yards from my stand on the way in at 3. Both gave excellent shot opportunities but I don't have a doe tag. Now if a buck would wonder by that would be great.

    I am staying till Tuesday and I can't wait for Monday. I am using tomorrow to explore this area more. I really didn't scout here. A guy at camp said it looked good so I put my stand in . it has not disappointed.
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  9. #39
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    well almost NO one was ouyt today here, normally on fist saturday, my road is like a free way with hunters going in, as I live on a dead end here, and it leads to 3 gun clubs property's, almost zero traffic, guess most guys are dry weather hunters anymore???

    I had deer in my yard from about 3 pm till dark too, seems they didn't mind there being no hunters out LOL

    been getting a few pictures of a main frame 10, with two small stickers, so guess you could call it a 12 pointer
    shows up in me yard about 9;30 till about 11;30 pm, last 6 nights in a row
    not a big buck, MAYBE 130's if that, be nice to see if he makes it till next yr
    if weather stays like this, I bet he wil, unless he runs into a car LOL
    a shame, I recall yrs back, (80's early 90's)
    rifle season the woods were full of ornage all two weeks, now its like opening day, maybe second day, then the two saturdays, and slow the rest of the time???
    if we had better food for deer in the forest, we should have a lot mroe deer, based on poor hunting effort LOL

  10. #40
    Senior Member
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    Brickerville (Lititz), PA
    Yep hardly any one in the wood on Saturday. Most guys hunted 2 hours then quit. Today it will probably be just the 8 guys and one or two more in the woods. Almost all of the camps are empty.

    Its cold so hopefully the deer are moving. Traditionally this day is deer drive day but the guys are getting to old to walk all day so we are posting. Its a shame that there aren't more young hunters but what can you do
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

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