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Thread: Tell Me About Your Weekend!!!!!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    northeast PA
    Well , let's see?
    I had about 20 gray squirrels in the back yard all weekend, 4 doe, 2 bears, a red fox, a possisum, 6 raccoons, lots of doves, and small birds LOL
    seen them all from my couch too Haha
    had snow flurries on Friday and all day on Sunday, rain Friday too, and 30 plus MPH winds all weekend, Sunday was a high of 36 degree's too
    still haven't seen a buck in the yard in a while? Even with the doe here off and on all day, eating apples
    odd too, as normally have a few that come and eat apple if nothing else, think the high winds are making them more nervous than normal

  2. #2
    Well, Sat. morning all I got was wind and rain. I had to attend my grand daughters fund raiser Sat. night so I didn't get out, but by the looks of the weather didn't miss much. Sun. was a different story I saw 3 bucks a spike, a 6pt. and a small 8pt. all cruising, none chasing. I also saw a big doe with her little one so she wasn't in Estrous yet. this stand is what I call my swamp stand. I went to another stand Sun. evening 0 deer should of stayed where the action was. O well live and learn. hope you get better soon.I know it's got to be killing you being at home when the rut is coming on but hang in there and get better and I will be looking for a pic of you and a big buck soon. Good Luck.

  3. #3
    Member Wolfe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Delaware Co.
    BUCKHUNTER30-06 I just left a post in the 2014 rut activity link. Saturday I had a few deer roaming and a buck just hanging out with them but Sunday was a whole different story.

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