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Thread: PA closed deer hunting

  1. #21
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    hey don't firget , its NOT just archery that is closed in this area, IT all hunting
    so if he doesn't get caught, there will be ZERO hunting in this area the whole yr!
    and again, about 60% of this land is hunting clubs property, many clubs up this way are 5-10-15,000+ acre's and have hundreds of members that pay due's al yr
    and NOW cannot use lands and things they pay for

    been a month almost now, a 1,000+ lawenforcement people looking for him
    and still on the run AVOIDING people
    adding HUNTERS< that are WILLING to take the risk, can IMO, only help find him
    NO one HAS to hunt if they worry, but again, there are shootings every day due to nuts, and folks don't ban going places

    I pesonally think its wrong to have the game dept tell what you can or cannot do on your own land
    I mean
    the law enforcement, state and local cops, and FBI< are NOT saying folks cannot hunt??
    or use there lands as they want
    its the game dept that is
    and how the hell do they have the right to do that??
    another reason I honestly am NOT a fan of the PA game commision
    they should worry more about saving wildlife and creating habitat that supports the GAME there supposed to protect!
    My 2 cents!
    and I am not even hunting this yr LOL

  2. #22
    Still looking for cop killer in Pa. Now they said one town in the epic center of the search will cancel Halloween, and a parade, and 5k race.
    it is the biggest event of the year for the town big fund raiser. I am just a little surprised they state that so early. doesn't look too good for the people doing the search. they don't want him to be able to blend in with the trick or treaters and get away. maybe they should let all the little mad trick or treaters throw candy at him when he gets caught. then again maybe not a good idea he will get high on sugar escape and here we go again looking for Mr. Frein. I would have thought they would of found him by now. says a lot for someone who knows a lot about woodsmanship. maybe they should contact hunters and not the F.B.I. or State Police just saying.

  3. #23
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I understand they want to get him, and they should
    but again, if you look on america's most wanted, there are sadly a long list of folks wanted for things
    I fully agree again, allowing hunters to hunt might do more good than harm, for those willing to take the risk

    closing a towns actions for a Maybe??
    Seems exreme as well
    many places need things like this to stay in business!
    been over a month now
    police had there best chance of finding him already!
    national guard should have been called in to help do a bigger search when they knew he was close

    Oh well,
    guess it is what it si for the folks living there,sadly

  4. #24
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    Canceling trick or treat, parade, and a race! Wow! That's ridiculous. How about you send whoever made that decision to all of the houses with little kids and have them tell the kids that they are not aloud to trick or treat this know that's not going to happen. And I understand the point of not wanting him to blend in and get away but really? My personal opinion, he's prolly long gone. Can't remember who said it but he clearly had this planned out to the T, with that said I'm sure he had a getaway plan as well. Whether it was a certain area in the woods or a car lined up. Why would you do something of this caliber and 1) not have a plan of what to do afterward and/or 2) stick around the area to be found. He could be
    anywhere. Have they had any confirmed sightings of him? Also they are not allowing hunting but are you aloud to walk your property? Reason I ask is Trail cams! Maybe by some chance if he is still around maybe someone got a picture of him on their trail cam.
    I live life at full draw....

  5. #25
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    As for sightings of him, NO, No confirmed sighting, a few cops said they THOUGHt they saw him at like 200 yrs twice or so
    and the same cpos say the terrian he's in your lucky to see 50 ft in front of you?
    1,000 plus lawenforcement officers
    IF they seen him at 200 yrds, would like to think, some of them have the skills to get him from there
    they have heli's and planes all over the area
    what happened to themhaving IR scopes on there heli, like they do on most cop choppers??
    shouldn't that be a way to find this jerk at night?
    All the more so, as they say they found places where he's been lighting a fire at night?
    I personally have been in the woods they say he is im
    add yes its super thick, huge swamps, and large open type forest
    a mix of hills and cliffs and level ground
    a needle in a hay stack more or less
    for a guy that knows how to hide
    I also agree, he could be long gone by now too
    as for his get away, well, he had a plan, but from what they say
    he screwed that up trying to drive away with no lights on, and drove into a swamp on a turn
    so that killed his get away vehicle
    but a month now? He has called people by phone, so they say
    anyone of them could have gave him a ride/
    shutting down events to me seems over kill
    he is armed and dangerous 24/7
    at this point I believe he is not trying to killl more folks, unless trying to get away?
    cornered like, and out of other options
    then who knows what a nut job will do?
    But just going to to shoot anyone, will just make getting away harder?

  6. #26
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    IR scopes and cameras should be a must on those types of helicopters. And I'm guessing its been getting colder up there than down here so he has to be making a fire or something to put off heat at finding him at night with IR should be pretty reasonable. Are they letting people walk their properties? With all due respect to those looking for him, if they need some help I still talk to some of my fellow Marines. We can pack up and head up there, lol.
    I live life at full draw....

  7. #27
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    Yeah its been getting cold up here
    ice on the puddles almost a 1/4 inch think last week several days
    and I have NO idea why they are not using the military reserves
    seems like the exact reason to have them, for helping in situations like this
    when , man power and size of the area are so big and this is a cop killer on the loose
    the kind of jerk, they get there panty's in a bunch over
    and maybe that's part of why there not calling in for help
    they want to do it themselves??
    I mean sure a few dyas they get the chance
    BUT now a month into things, why not reach out for any help they can get???? And stop fooling around?
    hell I bet many land owners and hunters would be willing to volenteer a search if asked? Crap they have a HUGE reward on him, I'd go help if they let me?? If I could shott SOB if need be and get the reward money LOL

  8. #28
    It is going to get down to 39 Degree's tonight in N.E. Pa. I am wondering if he slipped out of there and is laughing at everyone looking for him in sunny Florida. I hope they find him before gun season in Pa. No way they are going to control Pa. gun hunters and tell them they can't hunt until they find him. I know how Pa hunters are and nothing will stop them from going out the 1st day of gun season. I can't blame them, comes once a year, money and time invested, in there blood and can't get it out, I could go on and on but, just saying they won't be able to tell Pa. hunters they have to stay out of the woods come Dec 1st.

  9. #29
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    Well as of last nite, a woman, said she seen him standing on the side of the road next to a school, she THINK's it was him, as it was a man with his face covered in mud??
    said she was less than 25 ft from him too??
    Now lets see, 9 pm, its dark?
    she was walking down a road in the dark??
    And seen a man, , one wanted by the police, and he just stood there?
    this seems fishy to me, but?? Never know what a nut will do
    as for temps
    hell i'm in Ne Pa, and its been below30 degrees in the morning here several times now
    had ice over a 1/4 inch think on puddles
    I don't see this nut covering his face with mud, in cold temps
    would just make him colder
    as for rifle season
    Haha, i sold guns for yrs up here
    they will NOT stop gun hunters
    hell, half the one's I sold guns to, would gladly shoot this jerk for free, never mind the 100 plus k on his head now
    just more reasons for them to go out with a gun IMO lol
    and once the oarnge army heads out, that Might be the best way to get him too
    close to 750,000 armed people, just itching to shoot something LOL
    Oh well
    almost 6 weeks now, and he's still out there THEY say

  10. #30
    Yeah that is the latest news I hear some lady says she saw a man with mud on his face with a rifle near a road. If that was him it looks like he is trying to get out of there showing up on a road. lets hope he doesn't get too desperate and high jacks a vehicle and shoots someone else. I just wish they would find him so no one else gets shot and everyone else can go back to normal including the Pa hunters.

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