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Thread: Mineral Lick? Something else?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Mineral Lick? Something else?

    So I have trail cams out, and when I put down acorn / beet crush, I have 2-3 bucks coming in regularly. Even a nice 8pt. I first saw last year. My set up is at the bottom of a big ridge between another property ( at top of ridge) and water ( which is behind me and further downhill). It seems that when I put out some crush they show up within hours... when it's gone - so are they, minus a rare appearance. They obviously smell it and come to it, which means they are in the area. Would a mineral lick be a better option? Would it last longer than the 2-3 day I get with crushed acorns and beet? My goal is influence the big 8 to come by regularly. This is the same location I had my stand last year and took a buck and a doe. Saw many others funneling down this same ridge in front of this stand. Any advice would be helpful - keep stand there try minerals? Move to another area? Start some mock scrapes/rubs? looking to influence these deer to continue to come through this spot...

  2. #2
    Senior Member zachc's Avatar
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    I would definitely try to put down some minerals, whether you use a mineral block or powdered minerals. Either way once you get it set up I would pour some of your usual acorn/beet crush over top of it. You already know they like that, so once that is all gone they should realize the other minerals are down and continue to come back for them. And just periodically dump some more crush over it, especially when you plan on hunting it. Have you tried some good ole shelled corn? I've been putting it out since spring and they are eating it up every night, watched a 10 come across the bean field tonight at 8:40 and munch on it until after dark. Corn is also a whole lot cheaper than the crush too.
    I live life at full draw....

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Thanks - That makes sense to me. I have tried corn in the past and may mix it with crush initially, then go right to just corn. You are right, the stuff is expensive.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Strother23's Avatar
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    Yea. I would def put down some minerals/salt for the deer. It will last a lot longer for you hopefully it's keeps them around.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    my 2 cents
    since they seem to be on the property or close by
    I would try finding out where theyb are coming from
    meaning, back track there trails and place cam's along the way
    trying to bait a buck to come to you, is Never an easy eal, as time and weather changes, so does what they want to eat
    so even if they hit"X" hard now
    come hunting season they may NOT want it
    Minerals are prime examples of this to me
    what minerals a critter needs NOW, as opposed to fall, as to winter and spring all change, and so will how often they go to it

    A good minerak block will last for weeks if not months, so YES it can lasta ton longer that other baits
    but sweets like corn and apples and such, will always pull deer more often and pull just more deer to them
    easy GOOD meals are always better deals than rock hard minerals!

    if you can manage to back your trail cam's up and find maybe where they are staying closer, it too will also make maybe killing them easier too!, as they live by patterns many times and the less they have to change them the better your odds are of killing one! IMO

  6. #6
    Senior Member Big_Holla's Avatar
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    Minerals are good if you are intending on trying to help your herd. They are consumed most heavily from late winter through the end of summer. Once bucks lose their velvet they slowly stop using the mineral licks through fall and winter. They may use them some here and there but for the most part they are on to bigger and better things to eat and keep themselves busy.

  7. #7
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    been traveling... and just checking back. Thanks guys for the tips....

  8. #8
    Member skeeter's Avatar
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    I have several mineral sites I use for inventorying my bucks. I get lots of pics from early July till the end of September. Once October rolls around it slows till mid to late December. I use trophy rocks and I really like them. They last 3 months or so and the deer use em heavily. I will caution anyone using minerals to be careful with site locations. After time, deer will eat the browse in the surrounding areas of the site thus making the area really open. I have actually ruined a good tree stand site because the mature bucks don't feel comfortable traveling to my site during daylight hours.

  9. #9
    Senior Member 00buck's Avatar
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    i have had the same salt/mineral spot for atleast 10 years and they have managed to dig or eat the ground i would say 2.5 - 3 feet deep i mainly use black magic in it

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Great info on Mineral sites. We did put a few in, and stopped some of the crush. Haven't been back since. We have so many photos we think we have them patterned. We actually got our stands up early this year and have just been trying to stay away now. Good tips on the long term use of Minerals. Thanks.

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