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Thread: new to hunting and bows. can anyone help?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    that is a good tip indeed, i usualy tell a few people where im going, and landowner also knows, he tipped me that there is a 180+ lb doe in there , and they have taken a 6, 7. 8and a 9 point buck out of this land over the past few years so he knows there are good size deer back there. and he suggested the same top corner ive been eyeing. and also there apparently is a good trail right as i walk around the large pond to the north and keep walking straight, is a heavly marked trail of hooves and he knows they go to that pond to drink.
    so sounds like i got a good game plan figured out.

  2. #2
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    northeast PA
    sounds liek a nice place and possibly a great place to have for yrs ,a nd doesn't maybe get a lot of hunting pressure, all the better for you then if so
    and can also mean theer are some BIG one's there
    I'd invest in a trail cam next if I was you, and see what you see, but wait till after gun season, incase folks hunt there(even one's that don't have permission can be about more in gun season than all other times of yr)
    don't want a camera growing legs, no fun at all when that happens!
    trust me, plain out sucks LOL

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2008
    Brickerville (Lititz), PA
    Sounds like you have a plan. Use what the land owner tells you and work from there. Right now green vegetation is killer especially when there is nothing else around. In the big woods up north I've found some small patches of green that have really attracted the deer. When I was up there last time.
    “I don't partake in assembly-line convenience. I don't say that killing things is bad while I hire people to kill things for me.” ~ Ted Nugent

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2013
    Well today was a disaster. Wed night late I started to assemble my climber and get myself familure with it and out out I was missing 2 bolts around 10 pm. So I got frustrated and just packed up the rest of my gear and figured since there was 2 stands on the land that I wouldn't stress to much over it. Plus I want to climb a small tree in my back yard first to make sure I'm comfortable with everything.

    Get to the land at 630 and put on my camo. Test wind and there was none so I was happy. No rain . Slightly warm so figured might be ok. I make my way to where he told me to go and can't find the stands. I spent probably a hour and half searching for what he told me and was no where to be found. I walked all over that woods ands found what I think is a good spot right between the field and there bedding area. Right in the heart of the woods it opens up to some large trees with tall cannopy and a tone of trails. I gave up hunting and just used it as a scouting trip since I know I trailed all over the woods.

    Sadly I did also find a blind in thew woods and it wasn't theres. So he's going to address that problem as well.

    Decided to go back to public land around 10 and sat for about 2 hours and rain finally ran me home. And didn't see a single deer again. On the plus side I was aalone on public land lol.

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