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Thread: mock scrape help pls

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Whitetail Freak's Avatar
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    mock scrape help pls

    So today i added a WRC magnum sent dripper to my bag of whitetail tatics i got two of em they were 19.99 each at wooster walmart i got one for me and one for my buddy Doug (the reezen) it came with the dripper a 4 oz bottle of WRC active scrape time release sent and a dvd not a bad deal i thought . My ? Is this i watched the dvd and got some good info can yall provide any more info i might need to know or tatics or where n how to set up i know the dvd coved a lotta this but id like so.e insite from yall also pls. Any info big or small ill take it all. I had a deer less season last yr n this yr so far the same iam trying to fill my doe tag sat morn with my 6 yr old going with me so iam taken the m.l i need meat . But i know its a buck lure and i wanna buck bad this yr with my bow so hopefully someone can help me pls thankyou

  2. #2
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    well not to bust your bubble, but I have about 10-12 of them drippers, wally world blows them out after season for about 5 bucks a pack, scebt DVD and all LOL
    over the past 10 yrs or so, I think, I have had them, I have done post with my results with them, running trail cam's over them for 3+ yrs, have tried every scnet I can think of/buy from doe in heat active scrape, to apple cider juice, you name it I tried it as again I have a bunch of them to play with
    first off, I tend to wash mine in baking soda out of the pack, and then hang outside a few weeks prior to use(hell some I leave out where I hunt all yr, just bring home to wash after the season and leave then Clean then inside bottle outside same spot all yr to try to prevent any scents it might pick up when time comes to use)
    I place them over scrapes that seem to be in same spots yr after yr, and some in new spots hoping to attract deer
    my experience with them has been this, over active scrapes where I am getting lots of buck pictures, every time I added a scent dripper to that spot, I got a LOT less pictures of bucks, and more pic's of does, no matter what scent I ever used?
    I have again tried this for many yrs
    maybe the added scent, bucks can scent check from farther away and don't need to walk up to the scrape, [past my camaer?? cannot say for sure, but I stop getting buck pic's as I was getting before I added the scent dripper/scent to it that is, dripper was there all the while!

    so as for advice?
    all I can say is there just things that work either way, to help or hurt your set ups
    I don't hunt over them due to my results, or even really close to them
    but I have so many, I still play with them, LOL

  3. #3
    Senior Member Strother23's Avatar
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    I used the Tinks dripper last year. I put it over a new rub/scrape i noticed close to one of my stands and put up a camera. Got a lot of does and smaller bucks checking it out. Then after being out for like 7-10 days a really nice 8pt was on cam rubbing and scrape in the same spot trying to Like knock it out of the tree. Pretty cool to catch it on cam. Then like 2 days after that my buddy killed a doe checking it out. Never did see the nice buck in person though. I think the work but every deer can react different to them. Good luck with yours
    28.5 DRAW 65LBS

  4. #4
    Senior Member Big_Holla's Avatar
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    My experience over the years with mock scrapes has taught me they are definitely not a guarantee. I use them more for fun in hopes that a good one will take them over as their own. If they do and I can get a few pics then I have gotten more out of it than I expected. The biggest thing is finding an overhanging branch where it suits your set-up. If there isn't one then I would seriously consider cutting an oak branch from another tree and lash it in position. Needs to be around shoulder high and if you are using a dripper I think that needs to be hanging above the branch so they cannot get to it. The ground under the branch MUST be clear of sticks, vines and debris other than simple leaves. Once you have it set up then use a branch or rake to clear away the leaf litter, making the scrape visually attractive. Figure it will get filled in with leaves fast this time of year so make it at least 3 ft. in diameter. Take a piss in the scrape yourself, has always worked for me.

  5. #5
    Member PREDATOR's Avatar
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    I have had success with them over the years. Hung over natural scrapes and mock scrapes. Do they attract deer? Probably not, but if a buck is close enough the ones I have seen will investigate it. I have had does, big bucks, and little bucks come up and lick it. If anything the deer may let their guard down long enough to allow you a shot. Just my experience here in wv.

  6. #6
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    My thought is, it's your money and I am not going to tell you how to spend it but just my two cents here is, I have bow hunted for over 20 plus yrs, and at first I tried every new gadget new on the market, finally i wised up and saved my money and i have had a ton more success by just hunting smart, and keeping it simple. I don't use lures, buy the newest calls, or clothing, and have killed a lot more deer. instead of hanging drippers or making mock scrapes, just try and learn where the does are in the areas you hunt and you will have a lot more luck getting that buck this year! Good luck!
    Is there anything better than being in the woods?!

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