I would tend to agree with the numbers for private vs. state land in Michigan. There is so much of the state in private land, with the exception of the UP and parts of the northern lower. Any state land in the lower peninsula is often swamped with people to the point where success rates drop dramatically, especially once gun season rolls around. As far as B&C goes, more and more are trying to do quality deer management up here but the parcel sizes are so small nowadays that you cannot guarantee the guy two doors down will follow the same rules. Some of the bigger parcels that do practice it though are really making a change for the better IMO. Part of what goes into the deer kill too is antlerless deer. The southern part of the lower peninsula private land pretty much has unlimited doe (antlerless) permits that can be used from the beginning of bow season, thru all of the gun seasons and even in the early antlerless/late antlerless seasons. State land there are strict quotas and often I have not gotten a tag for state land.