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Thread: setting goals/target bucks

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  1. #1
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    setting goals/target bucks

    OK this is a take off the post about
    Late Season "Kill deer just to fill a tag"...?
    I am just wondering how many guys here stick to a plan about of either a target buck or a set goal
    or do your standards change as the season goes on??

    on lands I more or less know what deer are on it, I personally sitck to a target buck or two, and then , MAYBE if a bigger one should show up, I would switch off
    and then on out of state hunts I stick to a size
    and am more than willing to eat a tag if need be to stick to my goals
    what do you's do??

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I stick to a size/ target buck iv had like 7-8 shooter bucks show up out of no where this year. So mostly size

  3. #3
    Senior Member hortontoter's Avatar
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    Live in Akron and hunt mostly in Carroll County
    The last couple years I held out for targeted bucks. This season I rethought this idea. If it weren't for game cameras I wouldn't know some of the bucks I've targeted even exist. I say this because I have never seen them other than on a camera. So I've decided that I would hold out for my target bucks until my birthday in early November. After that I will shoot non targeted bucks, but they still must be somthing decent.
    I may be opinionated...but, my opinion is the only one that matters anyway.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Big_Holla's Avatar
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    For me in Ohio I stick to shooting a mature buck (hopefully no less than 3 1/2 years) that's got at least 2 of the following: Out past his ears, great mass, unique character to his rack.......OR if he does something really memorable and I get caught up in the moment :biggrinjester:

    At least I'd like to think that way anyways!! LOL

    In Michigan, we still try not to shoot young bucks but it's becoming difficult not to when we see 80% bucks and only a few does/yearlings. At least it seems that way on a couple properties. All young, under 2 1/2 with the exception of one big buck we spotted, but he's Michigan smart and I don't have time for that LOL!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member ohiobuckhunter's Avatar
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    4 1/2 years old and 140 inches I have not killed a buck since 2009 have let many great bucks walk that were to young. My standards are the same at end of season as it was on opening day
    you wont killem siting on the couch

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    I stuck to my target bucks this year and ended up eating tag soup here in Pa but I just hope one of the ones I was after made it for next year.

  7. #7
    Senior Member archerymurray's Avatar
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    My goals change as I mature as a hunter.. I can remember being happy with anything with horns, then a basket rack, then a P&Y, right now I'm looking for 140+.. Who knows what the future holds.. A trophy is whatever satisfies u as a hunter and makes u happy.

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