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Thread: What to do, what to do.

  1. #21
    Senior Member bds9's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Currently Mason, but raised in adams county
    Well, this weekend is being chalked up as a loss! hahaha Saturday morning, I set up my stand on the travel route(I had to wait until it got light enough for me to find a tree I would actually have a shot out of!) Then after I got everything set up, got into the stand, screwed in my bowholder, raised up my bow and hung it on the hanger only to realize that I had forgotten my quiver in the trunk of my buddies car!! So, back down I went, half mile walk back to moms driveway and a half mile walk back to the tree. Sat until about 10:30 with no sightings other than my grandmas cat. Left the stand hang for the evening hunt, got there about 4p.m. and then at about 6:30 the wind switched and was blowing as wrong as it could blow. I sat for about 15 minutes and didn't wanna chance messing the spot up any worse than I already had so I got down and watch the area from grandmas porch. Never seen a deer but with the full moon I kinda expected none to show up. Went back out Sunday morning, perfect wind, had my quiver, and all was well. Had a forkhorn walk right under me at about 9:30 but he came from the opposite direction I was expecting. At 10:00 I had a doe come through but she never presented a shot so she walked as well (the direction that I had expected the deer to come from) Sat til 11:00 and never seen anything else. I left the stand, and plan on being back in it next saturday morning assuming the wind is correct.

  2. #22
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    well sounds like something I have done before
    ONLY not knocking, but if it was me, after climbing down in the AM to get the quiver, I wouldn't have gone back to that stand, as it would have been very easy for them deer to bust you and ruined a sweet set up for later on
    I would have sat on the porch and seen for sure where they came out at and what they did, rather than push my luck, that already went down hill

    SO again, not bashing, just saying, going in later then you wanted having to wait till light to find a tree then going in again with your quiver, that puts a ton of scent and disturbance in that area, and possibly you could have been seen thus busted for sure, and why they didn't show up, they very easily could have seen you and went a different way
    and now thrown these bucks off there patteren they had for so long

    I hope I am wrong for you, but that would be my take on th events you wrote here

    But best of luck next time

  3. #23
    Senior Member bds9's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Currently Mason, but raised in adams county
    You're right MRBB, I thought the exact same thing once I got back in my stand, but the damage had already been done. It was considerably earlier than the bucks had been moving through the area when my debocle occured and I don't think the deer couldve seen me going in and out but that doesn't mean they didn't smell me or hear me. Oh well, all I can do now is hope that I didn't mess them up and try try again! I'll be back out there bright and early Saturday morning!!

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