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Thread: 2012/2013 Daily Hunting Report, Deer Activity, Season Information & Rut Report HERE!

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  1. #1
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Oak Hill, OH
    10/26/12- Fri PM. Got out for just an hour and a half before dark on Friday evening. Sat on the ground away from my stand sites because the wind was out of every direction and unpredictable....W, NW, N, NE...crazy wind before the cold front. Jumped one walking back at dark. The cold weather is coming and I'm hitting it hard the next month, good luck guys.

  2. #2
    This is my very first post on the site, and i wanted to introduce myself to everyone (especially ohio hunters lol). I live, and have been hunting in southeastern ohio for about 10 yrs. Hocking county and athens county...the first 3-4 yrs. was more learning than anything (still learning), so by no means am i a professional. I posted here, because i'm sure i'll be sharing a few stories of my own here and there. I look forward to making new friends on the forums. Last week i smoked a mature doe, so i'm on the board in 2012 lol. Got meat in the freezer, so now i'm after the big boy! Well goodluck to everyone, and that special time of the year (PEAK RUT) is almost here!!! (:

  3. #3
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Oak Hill, OH
    10/31/12- AM. Rainy morning but the best one to hunt for a week or more. Had three bucks (6 pt, 7 pt, 7 pt) come past me at 8:30 and 9:45. They were mostly smelling around looking for a hot doe and occasionally eating anything green they could find as well. The biggest 7 pt run off the smaller 6 pt after he made two scrapes. He thought he was the big boy on the block this morning. Saw two does and a button buck later hammering the honey suckle. My rut hunting will be intense over the next three weeks. Can't wait.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    10/31 report

    Went out this AM for 3 hours before work. I had a deer on the logging road walking in that waited til I got within 30 yards and slowly walked away. (walking out found 2 big scrapes right where I saw this deer standing that were freshly made). From daybreak til 10:00 AM I had deer movement that consisted of 4 different small basket rack bucks of which two were running does around me all morning. Big ones still have not made an appearance -cameras as of this evening still getting them at night. Should be great this weekend! Heading to Ohio on Sunday to hunt all next week in Noble County -can't wait! Good luck.

  5. #5
    10/31 PM Hunt

    Got out at about 330 and stayed til 655. Had 3 does come in right underneath my stand they didnt seem to concerned had the wind in my face. Did some periodic rattling with no luck not one buck! I am not even sure if my deer are rutting yet in Madison county. I did hear what sounded like a doe making a screaming like noise at dark I have heard before they make a noise like this when the rut is almost on??

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