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Thread: Thanks BHO for soybean info

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Pep4's Avatar
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    Thanks BHO for soybean info

    I decided to plant some soybeans this year...i checked on the forums and got a lot of good info...what i found out that the best method is to plant a lot to allow for early deer grazing on smaller probably go with about 140 to 150k seeds per acre but it was suggested to plant 200 to even 300k per acre on smaller plots, especially if broadcasting them as i did...i'm pretty sure that i'm glad i did...i planted about 244k per acre on a 2.5 acre plot the 9th of june...i went up back to check on them last night...they have popped up and are about 2 to 3" tall...there were 11 deer in that 2.5 acre plot! thats the most deer i've seen in 1 small field around here since the hayday PA deer populations of the 70's!...i just hope enough beans make it through for the deer to re-hit them during archery wouldn't think that they could eat 610,000 beans! :)
    Will hunt for food...will work for beer.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    I hear you on deer damage

    and well, you would be surprised on how many a single deer can eat, have to remember there is 90 days till archery, and how many plants each deer can eat a day, then times by how many deer, and they eat a lot! and it adds up!!

    good thing is most beans will keep growing even if browsed, but many don't make beans caus eof it being eatin too many times to mature to be able to make a pod/seeds

    but least for now we are having good weather for them to grow!!

    right now in my beans/ corn,
    the deer are prefering the corn and pretty much leaving the beans be , but I know thats not for long!
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Senior Member Big_Holla's Avatar
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    Good to hear they are coming in thick...oh and the deer too!! One thing to keep in mind if they destroy the beans down to nothing, you will still have plenty of time to throw something like a brassica mix over the field or even re-do the plot with something like forage oats.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Pep4's Avatar
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    yeah good point BH...i'm already planning on overseeding with rye once the plants turn...and it is nice to see the deer...i guess thats what we plant food plots for huh...
    Will hunt for food...will work for beer.
    Leave'r Right There!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Big_Holla's Avatar
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    Exactly!! Funny, my buddy and I were texting back and forth yesterday when he suggested that we plant some of our plots heavy in soybeans. My reply was well we tried it in the past and the deer just annihilated it after about a month or so there was nothing left. His reply...."and that's a bad thing?!?!" He's right, the longer we can keep them on the property and give them what they want the better. If it does get eaten up then, like we said, just re-seed with something else.

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