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Thread: 2011/2012 Deer Activity, Hunting Report, Season Information & Rut Report

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Genesis 9:3's Avatar
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    Arlington, OH
    Saturday I was on the other side of the field (where I had seen the deer the last time). I was in the tree around 1:30 till dusk... once again, saw about 5 squirrels, no deer.

    I sure wish I could take an anti-squirrel device with me while I'm bow hunting... they were rustling the leaves the entire time I was out there :banghead:

    At another location I saw 4 does walk through... too far out for shooting though.
    60# Bowtech Destroyer 340

    Team Gutpile '12-13

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Got into my stand around 4, cold afternoon but good weather overall. Had a doe group of 4 come in behind me around 5 and graze in a picked bean field around 30 minutes, too far off for any shots. Tough time of the year for sure. Probably go out a few more times before the season ends.
    Is there anything better than being in the woods?!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Genesis 9:3's Avatar
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    Arlington, OH
    Spent all day Saturday on the hunt... around 2pm I went for a walk and scared up two does... the only deer I saw this past weekend... pretty slow...
    60# Bowtech Destroyer 340

    Team Gutpile '12-13

  4. #4
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    01/20/12- Friday evening report. Deer have been eating at my feed site regularly, especially in evenings, including 2-3 bucks that need to grow a year but ones I've decided I'll shoot anyway. I poured 50 lbs of corn out Thursday at 4:00 PM and when I got to the stand at 4:00 this evening (Friday) it hadn't been touched! Very odd. Sat from 4:00 till dark and never seen nor heard a single deer. Unbelieveable. I have photos of deer every day for the last two weeks eating corn from 4:00 PM until after dark and into the night. I just can't imagine that no deer were hungry for corn with the temperatures dropping and a storm moving in at 8:00 PM. Just puzzled. Got back to house and what did I see? My camera flash going off every few minutes! (The stand is only 200 yards from house) They didn't come in until 30 minutes after dark! Wind was blowing away from where they bed (perfect East wind) so they must have heard me crunch my way walking in since the leaves and ground were frozen. This season has been miserable as far as buck hunting. Probably no hunting in the morning, 1/2 inch ice expected overnight, things already slick out there.

  5. #5
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    Forgot to say, never saw a single squirrel around the feed site, none. That is even more odd than not seeing any deer. A certain red fox that I am getting on camera regularly might be the reason for no squirrels. Found blood all over my trophy rock and around feed site a week ago, fox must've caught something for dinner!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Buckeye360's Avatar
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    Delaware, Ohio, United States
    First full day of hunting since October: 6 does came in downwind and hit my tracks and wind, mingled back 50 yards, then were ran off by 6 Yotes. Mean while another 6 came in from upwind where I expected, but mom had already slipped right under me without me hearing, and when I turned to see her kids she busted me. But later all 12 came back and bedded just 50-60 yards in a circle. Big mama's stood motionless on guard preventing me from moving for at least an hour. A couple mature does walked around licking and kissing the younger fawns. Very cool! 2 of them knew I wasnt a normal blob in tree. Plus possibly a swirling wind and a lone yotes pushed them back another 50 yards out of my life until September:( .............Last night Hunted over a bait pile/ camera lick. 3 Spikes, 1 basket, and 2 nice 115 class 2 year olds. If you are not baiting in late season you are probably not seeing or killing bucks. Great day to end season even though no kill!
    2013-2014 Tally
    Antlered deer seen under 60 yards: 0
    Antlerless deer seen under 60 yards: 6
    Total deer seen:11
    Deer killed:0/ Deer Missed:0
    Morning hunts:2
    Evening hunts:6
    Property/Hunts B:2, F:2, M:10, S:0, R:0

  7. #7
    Senior member blackbeard's Avatar
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    Oak Hill, OH
    I hunted Saturday morning (Feb 4) for the last time. I decided to hunt a stand located in the middle of a honeysuckle thicket...this turned out to be a good choice. I got to stand at daylight, saw nothing for the first 1 hour and 15 minutes, then at 8:45 I heard deer blowing above me. The wind was blowing directly that way so I most likely had gotten winded. Finally I saw a doe up that way come out of the honeysuckle...then another doe, then another doe...and another..and another..and another! So now there are 6 does (couple were button bucks), all acting nervous about 75 yards behind me.

    Thinking they'd never come my way, guess what they did? They all came my way. Four came first, with a huge mature doe being fourth in line behind two small does and a button buck. I could have shot the button buck and small does, but decided to wait for the big momma. I wanted her, she was a beast, big old long nose, what a doe. The other two deer stayed up the hill where I first saw them. So right when the big momma doe finally stepped out at 20 yards, I got ready and drew my bow....but the other two deer had come off the hill and another huge doe was right behind me and under my tree and saw me and blew. Deer scattered. One hung around but never would come from behind some small trees. I blew that one. Oh well. Later two more does came by, but no shots.

    So that was it, season over. Two bow killed does to show for it, no bow killed buck for only the second time in 11 years, but I had a lot of fun. Is it September 2012 yet?!?!?

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