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Thread: 2011/2012 Deer Activity, Hunting Report, Season Information & Rut Report

  1. #61
    Member Bigcity's Avatar
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    NE Ohio
    Hunted this weekend in NE Ohio, yes in the gusting wind and rain. Not much rut activity observed, hardly any rubs, no scrapes and very little deer activity. Other posts suggest "October Lull" and I agree. I think the heat from last week plus recent full moon has them moving at night. Historically, activity gets going here around Halloween. I did see some fat squirrels though. Might just hunt them instead until the rut heats up.

  2. #62
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    evening, very warm 67 degree's 5-8 mph winds

    got on stand a little late today but was settled in by 5;10 pm
    beatiful evening, fall colors and all, sat next to a pond, got to watch several wood ducks feeding and seeming to me playing

    saw one squirrel, and that was it
    was 58 degrees when i left, and wind about stopped
    calling for stormy weather tommorow

    should have had deer out tonight but!! thats the way its been lately SLOW!!!

  3. #63
    Junior Member
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    NW Ohio
    Same around here in northwest ohio, only been able to get out 4 times so far and havent seen a deer from the stand. Windy and rainy friday a day I took off a month ago of course. Decided to scout instead, found a couple good trails, a few rubs and some scrapes. Hunted again sunday night, didnt see a thing again but did find a new fresh scrape line on my way out. Starting to see a lot more sign new scrapes and rubs everywhere but no deer. Where I hunt lots, and lots of corn around hoping there all just in the corn. Time will tell.

  4. #64
    Senior Member bludyarrows's Avatar
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    I got back out Monday afternoon wind still honkin 15-20 mph got settled in at 3:45 wind started to lay down around 5. About 5:30 a small 8pnt came in with a jacked up rack. He hung around till two small 10 pointers came in together and and run him off. They were real small racked..looked like brothers(healthy but real young).They were very skittish and milled around for about 20 mins then walked off...looked at clock it was 6 and about 2 mins later a single doe came in. She feed about for 10 mins before giving me a nice 15 yrd quartering away shot and.....WHACK.. I let the air out of her. I got ahold of Great Lakes and after a short 50yrd track we hauled her out. With the threat of rain and temps in the low 50's overnight I took her straight to the butcher. The bad thing is we got no pics, The REAL bad thing is I can't enter her in the challenge...:banghead:LOL... This is a piece of land my buddy owns(Great Lakes) and we see alot of deer here. This is the same spot I hunted in the morning on Monday and didn't see anything close or not running. When the wind calmed down it was like a switch was thrown and they were on the move. Had four deer right in front of me in about an hour. As far as the challenge goes I should put another one down soon as it is also an urban area and we hunt right up to the end of the season...A great place to watch and learn the deers patterns, body language and such....Thanx Kirk...
    ......My biggest fear when I die is my wife selling my hunting gear for what I told her I paid for it...... shoot str8.

  5. #65
    Senior Member hortontoter's Avatar
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    Live in Akron and hunt mostly in Carroll County
    Congrats on the doe. Glad to hear you saw a few moving.
    I may be opinionated...but, my opinion is the only one that matters anyway.

  6. #66
    Senior Member treelounger's Avatar
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    trumbull county
    I drove to Middletown,Ny monday morning. I left before light and got there at 11:30ish. I left there at 4:30 pm and got home well after dark. I didn't see a single (live) deer on the way there and only saw one doe on the drive home. The route we took was I80. I can't believe the amount of ground we covered and saw one deer. There were several one the side of the road dead but, man! I was was shocked.

  7. #67
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    weather sucks still very windy and light rain falling sideways doe to the rain!
    and still in the mid 60's

    got on stand at 5 pm, got settled in, and about 5:15 had a rifle shot ring out VERY close to me
    there is no rifle hunting right now
    so i climbed down to go see if i can catch the SOB!
    as they are either on my farm, or on the bordering land that is also a no hunting property, so there shouldn't be any hunting going on

    Made it where i thought the shot came from, and just in time to see a person scrambling away, guess they saw me first
    problem was between me and then them was a small creek, about 15+ ft wide, and due to all the rians, about 5 ft deep, so, I wasn't about to swim it to chase him.

    But man that pisses me off
    I could smell a strong odor of GUTS, so i think he winged a deer,gut shot it!

    look as best i could, but didn't see anything!

    I am now all sweaty and pissed off, so i decided to just siit on a field edge, with no real hopes of seeing anything, but I am there so, why leave!

    I move away from where i was to a small corner, I am moving brush and setting up a spot to sit down, and I look into the woods and see a small 4 ptr bedded down watching me!
    dumb luck,
    he sat there for about 45 nminutes watching me watching him, and then he got up, and started to walk towards me, guess he was very courious to what I was

    he got to about 15 ft from ,me and made a scrape in front of me, then walked away
    he wasdown wind of me the whole time,
    that was all i saw

    still raining when i left and 55 degrees
    crapy sit tonight!
    tomorrow will be looking for a dead deer wher that jerk shot!

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Mansfield, Oh
    Went out to hunt with my 14 year old brother last Sunday 10-16-11. On the way we saw a small buck cross the highway with his nose to the ground. A mile down the road saw a good size doe crossing the road. Then about 10 minutes later I had a fat doe run out in front of my car and smack its head on the hood of my car at 60 MPH. Parked the car and got out and saw the doe laying in the middle of the road flopping like a fish out of water. Got my pistol out of my car to put her out of her misery, started toward her and she jumped up on her legs and ran into the woods as if nothing was wrong. This was at 0615.

    Get in the woods about 0700 and get comfortable. Saw a few doe playing about 50 yards from my stand near a corn field. My brother was sitting about 100 yards or so from me. At around 0830 I hear his crossbow go off. He called me and said that a huge 8 point had just ducked his arrow at 30 yards. Terrible day for me, and my brother. But a whole bunch of movement that day.

  9. #69
    Junior Member
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    Take note that he says 0830 and not 830. that 0 before the 8 means AM, or I would think so anyhow. Sounds like military time telling if you ask me. 830 pm would be 2030 to blueflu42.

  10. #70
    Member rckt40's Avatar
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    Morrow County
    Had a small 4 point push a group of 5 does around in a bean field last night for about an hour. Nose to the ground, trying like crazy to get his you know what wet. Pre-rut may be just around the corner :-).

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