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Thread: 2011/2012 Deer Activity, Hunting Report, Season Information & Rut Report

  1. #71
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    North Central Ohio
    Weekend Hunt report. Hunted last saturday 15th.

    AM had a WSW wind so I walked to the NE side of my woods to slip in around 7 AM. As I was walking I noticed something in the bean field to the north but could not tell if it was a deer or not due to not enough light. So instead of walking into the woods and getting in my stand I kneeled down in the tree line to wait on daylight. About ten minutes later I could see it was a doe about 60 yards away. She had me but could not figure out what i was. She snort weezed and stomped for about 10 minutes until a fawn and another doe came out. When she looked away i snort weezed back at her. All three of them got to within 40 yards when another group of deer started snort weezing at these deer in front of me. This ran them off. As i stood up there were 4 deer about 20 yards from me. Two doe, a fawn, and an 8 point buck. I knelt back down and the doe walked within 25 yards of me. As I put my scope on her she winded me and ran off. This all went on before i could even get to my stand so it was kind of exciting. Wish i would have shot the doe that was at 25 yards but she was walking in the direction that was going to give me a broad side shot and i figured she would keep walking. Oh well it was fun.

  2. #72
    Junior Member
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    North Central Ohio
    PM hunt last saturday the 15th

    Walked into the woods on the north east side. Wind was straight out of the west at about 25 mph. Got into my stand at 4 PM. The only thing i saw was three doe walk about 40 yards to my south but they were on the move. I did not have a good shot on them and hoped they were moving that fast because a buck had bumped them from where they were but iI didnt see anything else. At 645 i could hear deer crossing a creek through the woods but never got a look because there were still too many leaves. I am seeing deer moving which is a good sign. Starting to see Buck by themselves tailing females. Rut is around the corner.

  3. #73
    Senior Member Split_G2's Avatar
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    Bucks were on the move this morning.
    Truth be told, this world is full of hunters with the ability to accomplish their hunting goals on their own. Yet the majority of hunters in this world have no knowledge of their true hunting abilities. Commitment and sacrifice are seen as something that is just out of reach or maybe not a choice. Failure is not an option to these hunters and they believe hunting success lies only in the kill. Should these hunters realize that they CAN commit, they CAN sacrifice and that failure is something that should be expected, they too will realize that they CAN do it on their own and they will experience success the way it should be experienced........ DIY STYLE!!!

    hunt hard or go home,
    Pete Sisson

  4. #74
    first scrape i seen was last week 20 yds away from my stand from wayne county ohio

  5. #75
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    northeast PA
    10/20/11 evening hunt
    50 degree's heavy winds, up to about 30+ mph, and steady 10-12 mph winds

    started off very overcast, then as soon as i got on stand, rian1 AGAIN, rain

    I have had enough of it already

    and these wind???

    any way got on stand at 3:30 pm thinking with the temp drop maybe deer would be moving
    WRONG, didn't see a deer, saw 10 hen turkeys and a squirrel
    42 degrees when I left
    hope its better tomorrow, this is my worst yr I can ever remember for deer movement here!

  6. #76
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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  7. #77
    Member tony's Avatar
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    licking co. OHIO
    MRBB that sucks, sounds like something that would happen to me. Your right that is def. a shooter for up there. I went to high school in Ripley.

  8. #78
    Member tony's Avatar
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    licking co. OHIO

    Slow start

    Went out this AM and PM, seems like things are still slow for me. Seen a few doe and a small 8pt this morning, and 2 diferent trios of doe and another small buck this evening with about 20 minutes of light left.

    I did see 2 new scapes opened up this morning though!!! So its only going to get better from here!!:drool5:

  9. #79
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2010
    Went out this evening in Jefferson. 45 degrees with perfect wind. Had a small 6 walk by at 25 yards around 5:45pm and at 6:10pm a small 4 came within 10 yards and hung around that range until after dark.

  10. #80
    Senior Member mrbb's Avatar
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    northeast PA
    fixed my x bow , the stupid scope adjustment on the bow some how moved from postion #1 to position #4, and thus had me 18 inches high at 20 yrds makeing for the clean miss last nite

    this is a crappy set up, as there is no reason for the mount tobe able to move, thats what the scope adjustments are for

    going to put silicone arround it tonight after I hunt, as no hunting on Sunday will allow for a good cure, and some time to air out!

    but its dead on now again!

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