12-4-03 gun season, franklin county.
i took a few days off work and stayed with my friends at school. hunted tuesday and wednesday in athens county and didnt see a dang thing. wednesday evening jon, another friend stoped by for a few beers and said he was wanting to know if i wanted to hunt his familys land in grove city. having been to his house and been on the land and seen all the pictures he has taken and some of the bucks he has taken i was excited to say the least.
4am thursday we loaded up in his "monty"carlo and headed to grove tucky.
breaking dawn found me about 200 yds behind his uncles house sitting against a giant cottonwood tree in a small drainage. he was sitting about 10 ft to my left where he had a view of an old access road. with 71 and 270 humming in the background we waited.
not long after daylight we heard a twig snap and then the loudest deer blow i have ever heard. 55 yds behind us there was a big doe up on the edge of a thicket on a hill side. we checked the wind and knew there was no way she was smelling us. so i rolled around the tree and got to my knees stedying the gun on the side of the tree. he wisperd and asked you want to shoot a doe this early??? i think he got my answer when he heard the saety click off. just as i rested my cheek on the stock he said wait. theres always a few bucks hanging around here mid day. so reluctantly i put the winchester 1300 back on safe. sat back down and we listened to that doe walk into the thicket and bed down.
it couldnt of been 5 min later he got my attention and motioned with his hand on his head and fingers in the air BUCK!!!!!! how far i wisperd. 50 yds. i got ready for the shot but had no idea where he was looking. i had no view of the deer untill he was on us. and when i say on us i mean 14 yds. jon was between the deer and me but off the side a little. he was in full view to jon for a minute or so and i wasnt shooting. well from my point of view i could only see his head and his rump. i had to wait. the deer seen us sitting there and kept looking us over but never showed any sign of fear. urban deer... i could see jon getting an itchy finger and was going to raise his gun the next time the deer looked away. just then the deer took 3 steps forward and gave me the shot. BOOM!!!!!!!!! the deer took off about 40 yds to where i could just see his head over the creek bank. i seen him do the death wobble and heard him fall in the leaves.
jon showed me the ins and outs of blood tracking. what the bright red and bubbles ment. and as he explained things to me i started getting excited. we found where my slug had slammed into a tree and there was hair and blood in the bark. once we walked up on the deer he showed me the trick of touching their eye to see if they are out. HE WAS OUT! i had just killed my first deer. a 2.5 year old 7 pt buck. i picked his head up and shouted all kinds of things i dont remember. then jon said wtf is that where his head was laying. i look down and theres a mink skull laying right under where my deers head had fallen. for those of you who have never seen a mink skull they are only slightly bigger than a quarter. he showed me how to gut then we dragged.
when we returned to school we hung him up and got drunk. really drunk. when i returned to school after working the fall qtr. i took the head and made a euro mount in the lab i was a tutor in.
wow. i cant believe i remembered all that as i started typing. now im looking up at that skull mount hanging on the wall and the mink skull sitting on top of it. good times and great memories.
now theres a golf course on that land and most of his grandmas land has been sold off to walmart and other developers. but... o grams is smart. she took that money and baught more land just down the way. ha ha.